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TriboUK 2016

点击次数:1891 更新时间:2016-03-07

Welcome to TriboUK 2016

The IT-CDT is honoured to host the 13th Tribo-UK conference on 14th and 15th April 2016 in collaboration with the IFS at the University of Leeds. Our topic at Tribo-UK 2016 is Tribology in the Next Decade.

Tribo-UK 2016 is an opportunity for researchers in the field of tribology to meet and develop a base for academic and industrial networking. It is also a chance to present and discuss their work with fellow tribologists from all over the UK.

There will be 3 keynote speakers throughout the 2 days who are considered academic pioneers in the field. They will talk about the advances and developments in tribology, and enlighten us about the future of tribology in the next decade.

Call for Abstracts:

20 minute presentations, snappy presentations and poster presentations will be given by PhD students from all over the world but mostly from the UK to present their research. There will also be lab tours for the attendees to see our facilities at the School of Mechanical Engineering.

Abstracts are open for submission till the 1st of March. International students are welcome to submit abstracts as well.

For more information, contact us:
 : TriboUK@leeds.ac.uk                                                                                         Address: School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, Leeds.

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